Sunday, July 22, 2012


Something like the Aurora, CO killings is so hard to talk about.  Really, what can one say?  What can one say to those who lost treasured members of their families, dear friends, or who were injured themselves?  What about those who were, and are,traumatized by this inexplainable and horrible event?

We lost a baby who lived for 2 weeks, and that was so hard to bear at the time.  Now I think of her birth and death in a totally different light, but I couldn't do that then.  

Yet I am comforted by remembering that we are all one--EVERYTHING is God/Supreme Consciousness.  The image that mosts comforts me is the one of the vast ocean--water as far as one can see and as deep as one can imagine.  We are drops of water, and when we fall into that ocean, we merge completely, our individuality disappears, and we are one with all that is holy.  

May those who are suffering from this horrible event, eventually find comfort in family and friends, and
faith in remembering their loved ones live on in the oneness of all, as we are part of that same oneness.  

Blessings and Love.

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