Monday, December 20, 2010


I am thrilled and rejoice that Congress finally repealed the "Do Not Ask, Do Not Tell" Policy in the military!  It's about time.  There is nothing right about denying a portion of our citizens the right to merely be who they are.

I remember feeling totally betrayed when then President Clinton, who had campaigned on gay rights, caved (in my opinion) and instituted the "DADT" policy.  I even wrote him a letter telling him of my feelings.  His response was not satisfying to me at all--no real substance at all.

Now it's the job of the relevant individuals in the military to make sure their troops follow this policy and do not take it upon themselves to fight it.  I am pleased there will be training for their leaders, based on their branch of the military, to help them lead the troops under their command to following this policy. giving them the tools they will need.

I thank President Obama for following through on his pledge and Congress for realizing what was the right thing to do.

Every person is a unique human being, with unique gifts that are needed for the world to succeed and to grow.  Every person is a child of God/the Universe/the Creator/Universal Consciousness....

From the place of light and love and truth in me, I bow to that place of light and love and truth in  you.

We are One.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blue Christmas Service

Last night my pastor, Laurie Boche, and I held a Blue Christmas service for those who find this time of the year difficult.  We are supposed to be so HAPPY!  But some people are grieving a loss ~ of a loved one, of a job, of good health--there are many reasons one might not be happy at this time of the year.  

It is not easy and it takes courage to face our grief fully and surrender to its reality.  Surrendering turns it over to that which is bigger than we are--to God, the Universe, Allah--what is your name for Supreme Consciousness?  Laurie did the majority of the service, but I contributed poems and a grief litany I wrote for the service.  I post it here.

Sadness burdens our hearts
Let God carry our burden
Anger puts up walls
Let the Beloved hear our anger
Fear grips us tightly
Let the Holy One soften our hearts

If we pour out our grief to God ~ Surrendering all that is within
Grace will break us open
Divine Light will flood our darkness
And our hearts will be filled with the Comforter's unwavering love

Rumi said:  "...the wailing of broken hearts is the doorway to God."

I wish you all peace in your hearts.

I Decided

Just to follow up on my last blog--I have decided to have rotator cuff surgery and have set the date--March 1st.  I am glad I made the decision from a place of calm and not from fear or what I "should" do.  In the past, I have made decisions like this in a hurry, not from a centered place.  "Get it over with!"  Be the good girl and do what "they" say.  If I had had significant pain, I'm sure I would have opted for it right then, but I have little to no pain.  I have also faithfully done my exercises and have rehabilitated it greatly.  Yet, it's still significantly torn and that part won't repair.  I guess I'm practicing good stewardship of my shoulder.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that my dithering about whether or not to have shoulder surgery continues.  I think when I last mentioned it on this blog, I had decided not to have the surgery.  Then sometime later, I decided I would have the surgery, as I have to think about what I can/cannot do nearly every moment--day and night.  Now I'm not so sure again.  Part of my indecision, besides the recovery period and possible pain, is that this shoulder does not bother me much at all.  I have faithfully been doing my theraband exercises and wall pushups, and that and time has greatly stabilized my shoulder.  I am also doing my somatic shoulder exercises and learning how to fine tune my shoulder blade movements.  I can reach, stretch, and use it much more than I could initially and with more body awareness.  I have little pain.  In reality, it is my other shoulder than gives me more trouble--more pain and more mobility problems.  (I do my shoulder routines on that shoulder as well.)  I don't know what is wrong with this other shoulder--is it also a torn rotator cuff, or an "impingement" problem, or both?  

Should I take my chances and not have the surgery.  I know there is a danger I would wait beyond the point when it could be repaired--maybe I already have.

The cosmic joke is that it really doesn't matter which route I choose.  EACH ROUTE HAS THE POTENTIAL TO LEAD ME TO THE SAME PLACE!  Shoulder surgery is the means to my enlightenment/my bliss.  Not having shoulder surgery is the means to my enlightenment/my bliss!  The Universe is the same, I am the same.  How I deal with either one is key.  My wisdom leads me to my enlightenment.  So can my stumbles.  The Universe is there with Grace either way--if I will only receive it.

That comforts me and makes me chuckle, and I'm still not sure what to do.