Friday, June 25, 2010

Real Love

I had a reminder this week from the words of Swami Satchinanda that are worth repeating.  Swami Satchinanda was sent from India to the US by his guru Swami Sivananda to teach us about Integral Yoga.  Swami Satchinanda left his body a few years ago, but his wise words linger on.  This week his words are:

Love the Never-changing One
“Many people say, ‘I love you,’ but is that real love? If it is really deep love, it can never change. It cannot be taken back. By loving, you have given yourself completely; you are not separate then. You become one with the beloved, and you always think in terms of the beloved. You do everything for the sake of the beloved. These days, love is only a desire, a temporary liking; it’s superficial. If the color of the beloved’s hair turns gray, the love fades. If the weight of the wallet is reduced, the weight of the love is also reduced—because this so-called love is based on superficial things. It doesn’t go further deep into the heart, which never changes. You must love the never-changing One in a person. Then it won’t fade away.
“God bless you. OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.”

I am sorry to say that I forget this in the heat of my interactions with others, especially my husband.  I am enjoying catching myself beginning to react in the old way, and reminding myself to soften and open and be in love--of course, it works! 

This is the meaning of the yogic "Namaste."
I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light and of peace.
When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me,
We are one.  Namaste

(I'm trying to paste his Weekly Words of  Wisdom link onto my Recommended Links but have so far not been successful.)

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