Monday, December 20, 2010


I am thrilled and rejoice that Congress finally repealed the "Do Not Ask, Do Not Tell" Policy in the military!  It's about time.  There is nothing right about denying a portion of our citizens the right to merely be who they are.

I remember feeling totally betrayed when then President Clinton, who had campaigned on gay rights, caved (in my opinion) and instituted the "DADT" policy.  I even wrote him a letter telling him of my feelings.  His response was not satisfying to me at all--no real substance at all.

Now it's the job of the relevant individuals in the military to make sure their troops follow this policy and do not take it upon themselves to fight it.  I am pleased there will be training for their leaders, based on their branch of the military, to help them lead the troops under their command to following this policy. giving them the tools they will need.

I thank President Obama for following through on his pledge and Congress for realizing what was the right thing to do.

Every person is a unique human being, with unique gifts that are needed for the world to succeed and to grow.  Every person is a child of God/the Universe/the Creator/Universal Consciousness....

From the place of light and love and truth in me, I bow to that place of light and love and truth in  you.

We are One.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Catharine! I couldn't agree more. I hope everyone stays safe during the transition into truth-sharing.
